Monday, 19 September 2011

What's on? I'll tell you what's on...

The outside still needs a coat of paint but it is still Gallus enough to get it's music nights up and running again after the summer break. For your ears and eyes this week at the bottom of Church St. (bottom of Byres Rd) we have:

Majestic Dandelion -

"clickity for free majestic music"

like them on facebook!

They are teaming up with the almighty Levee Strollers -

"Levee music on myspace"

likey facebooky

and for the first time at Gallus the trio of McKell, Ross & Gill - 

Mckell, Ross & Gill

facebook link

This looks set to be a cracking evening so let your hair down, pretend it's a Friday and let the weekend start early.

Info here for Bar Gallus:
Bar Gallus on Facebook

All Best,
Team HUT

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